
About mikehackett

50ish Aviation enthusiast stay at home dad raising my 3 yr old son. Enjoy Planes, Trains, Computer/web programing, Flight simulators and most things computer related. Astronomy buff.

The chapter now has it’s own riding mower and George needs volunteers. Nelson Bell, who mowed our grass for over 10 years with no compensation is no longer able to mow. T-shirts for volunteers and those who wanted to purchase are in. The YE will be getting theirs soon and […]

27 July Meeting notes

We will be hosting another fly in Sept 17th at KDTN to help the airport celebrate their 80th anniversary. Here is a great news story about this weekends fly-in http://www.ktbs.com/video/29166281/index.html The event should run from 9am to 1pm. We need to contact pilots to bring in planes so call around […]