05 December 2015 minutes
Please be sure to check NOTAMS as the upgrades to runways and taxiways has begun and rwys and taxiways could be closed from day to day. Thank You!
KDTN construction
2015 Barksdale Airshow Memo
Some TRF details for Barksdale airshow

Please see the attached file on DTN Plans March 2015 http://www.eaachapter343.org/wp-content/uploads/2013/08/KDTNACTIONPLAN9-march2015.pdf
Please see attached file Airport plans (skyrunner pics)
27 Sept 2014 minutes
27 Sept Minutes
28 June Minutes
28 June Minutes

We had about 28 members and 4 guests at the Jan meeting. Thanks to Jeremy Holt for showing us his Steen Skybolt! January 2014 minutes
January Meeting notes
We had 54 people at the dinner. Congrats to Hardy Cole for this years SOH award. Congrats to Francine and Ralph for the Volunteer Spirit award. 12 dec 13 minutes Don’t forget! Fly-in/Brunch hosted by A Stones Throw Cafe at the terminal 01 January 2014 from 10 to 2.
12 December Christmas dinner
Please keep Jack L. in your thoughts and prayers. Jack too a nasty fall this week and will take a while to recuperate. Please read Novembers minutes for up to date news. Christmas party 12 dec 13 Ralph & Kakoos 6pm 23 nov 13 minutes
23 November 13
Date for Xmas party is 12 Dec 2013 at Ralph & Kakoos at 18:00 (6pm) again Members voted to raise Dues to $40 starting 2014. Tubreaux Aviation gave members demos of the new Red Bird motion flight simulator at the airport terminal. Please plan to attend the 1 Jan 14 […]